
Five experts reviewed the content of the Ebook 

PhD in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Associate Professor at the School of Communication where she teaches “Ethics and Professional Deontology”. She also works at the Madrid City Council where she trains in Communication and Leadership Skills. She is an expert in Communication applied to the promotion of healthy behaviours and habits.

Full Member and Training Analyst of the Madrid Psychoanalytical Association (APM) and former Member of its Board. Member of the Paris Psychoanalytical Society (SPP). Former member of the IPA Task Force on Teleanalysis. Former General Secretary of the European Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF), where she is now chair of a Research Group working on “Teleanalysis”. Part of the Sino European program in collaboration with the Chinese Hospital of Beijing. Chair of the Chinese Symposium entitled Cyberspace and Psyche. Author of many papers and the book “L@ve in the Time of the Internet”, available in English, Spanish and Chinese.

Journalist and communicator specialised in health with more than 15 years of experience in the sector. Responsible for institutional relations of #SaludsinBulos.

Graduate in Pharmacy (University of Salamanca) and in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (European University of Madrid). Member of the Spanish Society of Clinical, Family and Community Pharmacy (SEFAC) and of the Nutrition and Digestive Working Group. Member/volunteer of Pharmacists Without Borders Spain (FSFE). With extensive experience in clinical practice, patient care and scientific communication, she actively participates in the development of articles and scientific materials, as well as in conferences and seminars as a speaker.

Director of the agency COM Salud, coordinator of the Institute #SaludsinBulos and vice president of the Association of Innovators in Health. Health communication, marketing and innovation consultant with more than 30 years’ experience.

Six local experts were interviewed on the relevance of nutrition and wellbeing fact-checking. 

Check their interviews in the YouTube channel of NUTRIWELLB